
Virtual Open Doors at Ekopark Lahti

Did you know that Lahti, a city in the southern Finland, is the European Green Capital* for 2021?

Kuusakoski’s Ekopark, located in Lahti, is a construction and demolition waste treatment plant, producing solid recovered fuel (SRF) for the adjacent Lahti Energy’s powerplant.

Unfortunately, despite the raised interest in our Lahti operations this year, we have not been able to accept any physical visitors to the site because of the restrictive measures that are in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. We are, however, happy to welcome you on this virtual tour at our Ekopark Lahti facility. Within the facility you will find the accredited Kuusakoski Research Centre.

You can start the tour by clicking on the play button in the middle of the screen. After the tour you can also explore each location by clicking on the numbered buttons in the main view. Please note that you can freely rotate pictures, and you will get more information by clicking the various icons within the 360 pictures.

*The European Green Capital Award (EGCA) is a competition for cities, organised by the European Commission. The title is given to one city a year for merits in pioneering environmental actions, setting an example for other cities and developing innovative solutions to environmental challenges. Prior to Lahti, 11 European cities have received this title.

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