Occupational safety and well-being of employees
We take care of our employees and our subcontractors’ employees
The well-being of our employees is a matter of honour for us. We collaborate with occupational healthcare and other partners to promote well-being at work. We monitor the well-being of our employees on a regular basis and focus on proactive measures that increase well-being at work.
Competent employees who appreciate each other’s expertise are the key to our success and will continue to be so in the future.
An environment that supports learning combined with training that supports personal development are key factors in achieving this. We aim to keep our work community as diverse as possible and ensure we have a wide-range of talent.
We develop occupational safety with proactive measures and regularly monitor the achievement of the goals set in our Occupational health and safety policy. Our goal is that there would be no accidents at all.
The long-term work we have done in promoting the well-being and safety of our employees and subcontractors shows in fewer accidents and sick leaves, high job satisfaction, and long careers.
The key figures are from 2023.